Art direction, branding, webdesign
Project done with Elise Botrel, Julien Correia
After 10 years in business, the agency Owl, specializing in lighting for boutiques and concept stores, has made a name for itself and now works for prestigious clients, particularly in the luxury sector. The agency’s work is not only providing suitable lighting, but also creating a dedicated atmosphere for the place, adding the finishing touch to French and international boutiques. To stand out and fit with the standing of its clients, the agency asked us to create a simple, elegant visual identity that would be easy to adopt.

We started by looking at the logo: how could a simple name evoke a work that is difficult to represent? We chose to design a strong and high-contrast typeface, playing with lights and shadows, which emphasizes the volume of the lettering. From there, it seemed fairly obvious to work in black and white to enhance the contrasts and let the images speak for themselves.
For the various printed materials, we worked in tone on tone, with a varnish printing, creating a pure and refined, yet highly evocative language. Finally, as the agency’s main showcase, the website was designed for horizontal browsing, allowing visitors to circulate between projects in an infinite loop and immerse themselves among the pictures of the spaces.