Palais de Tokyo – Lívia Melzi
Art direction, editorial design
Photography Keys, Lívia Melzi
For the exhibition “Tupi or not Tupi” at Palais de Tokyo, we were invited to create a publication documenting the work of artist Lívia Melzi on Tupinambá cloaks, from the Tupi warrior tribes who lived along the Brazilian coast.

Printed in 200 copies signed by the artist, the publication is made up of two booklets which bring together a text written by Lior Zisman Zalis and images created by the artist, questioning the discourses constructed around these artifacts preserved today in European museums.
Echoing Melzi’s work, the binding of the booklets creates an unexpected relationship between the facing images where French arts de la table, colonial travel stories and cultural cannibalism meet.
This project was realized thanks to the support of the Brazilian Embassy in Paris.